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Industry Overview
The Drilling process is made possible through the efforts of three distinct entities:
Operators ( ExxonMobil, Chevron-Texaco, BP, Shell, etc. ) spend billions of dollars each year on research in order to locate new geological fields in the world that hold oil and gas.
The Contractor
The Service Industry
Recently, discoveries in the U.S. have prompted major activity and planning within the industry. The Haynesville, the Bakken, the Marcellus, ANWR, Offshore, and others have energy reserves that harbor the ability to free America totally from foreign oil… Natural gas is obtained in the same manner as oil – by drilling.
For Example, The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas says the recent boom in the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas is…
“perhaps the largest discovery of new oil reserves in the United States since Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, in 1968.”
Another: On April 10, 2008, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) released their field report about the Bakken Shale. The formation stretches across North Dakota, Montana and Saskatchewan. The report estimates that 3.65 billion barrels of oil can be recovered from the Bakken formation. According to the USGS,
Want to Become a Mud Engineer?
Our past graduates have been employed by every major drilling fluids company in the industry. Check out our class schedule and register today to start your new career!
Drilling Operations Overview

Oil and gas are produced from the formations deep within the earth.
Everything is large in the oil field as are the drilling bits used drill the holes. The bit
The fluid returning from the hole follows a flow line which sends the fluid to surface equipment that cleans undesirable solids (dirt) from the ‘mud’. The mud passes through the ‘solids removal equipment’ and collects in surface pits. The fluid moves from a settling pit to a mixing pit, and finally, to a suction pit.

Want to Become a Mud Engineer?
Our past graduates have been employed by every major drilling fluids company in the industry. Check out our class schedule and register today to start your new career!
Career Overview

Our technicians are trained in the mathematics of running mud properly instead of the reactive position of checking the mud and concocting a temporary fix each day to repair whichever property is in need of repair. This is what we call being ‘run by the mud.’ There are check and fix mud hands, and then there are Professional Fluids Technicians.
company vehicle, an expense account, all gasoline paid, inexpensive insurance benefits, and all equipment issued including computer & mud equipment. In my opinion, the Mud Technician’s position is arguably the best job in the oilfield, and one of the least known and understood. Hands may work 7 days on: 7 days off, 14 and 14, 28 and 28, or make rig checks on a daily basis.